This section gathers general reflexions, rather than technical ones, on
music, Jazz, improvisation as well as any strongly or weakly connected
topic. Those articles were written on various occasions, which I will
recall in their preamble.
Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido
An essay on the aesthetic links between these three however very
different disciplines. This article was published in the
« <Programming> journal » and received the best paper of the
year award. There is also a small
movie used for its
The (Natural) Language of Improvisation
A vision of improvisation as a natural language, and the
implications in terms of learning, pedagogy and teaching.
What is a note ?
Some ideas on the notion of (wrong) note and on the cognitive
aspects of musical perception.
Taming Harmony: an example
Some ideas on how to tackle complex Jazz scores, on the harmonic but
also rythmic plans. The general idea is that the coherency of an
improvised discourse comes from the transitions between keys rather
than the keys themselves.