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¡En Seguida!

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Couleurs Jazz “Didier Verna and his deluxe quartet. A Jazz heavily tainted with andalousian and indo-carribean musics. Pur Jazz, in any case. All the colors of Jazz.”
-- Jacques Pauper, Couleurs Jazz
IDFM 98Mhz (Radio Enghien) “A trans-geographic inspired album, where a hispano-indian diagonal of some kind would seem to have been drawn between the Carribean and the Bay of Bengal.”
-- Bruno Heuzé, Opus Jazzis


With Laurent Epstein (piano), Yoni Zelnik (double bass) and David Georgelet (drums). Special guests: Solange Vergara (vocals) and Guillaume Kervel (steel drums). Recorded by Pierre Dachery at Studio Prado (Paris). Mixed by Pierre Dachery and Didier Verna. Masterized by David Hachour at Color Sound Studio (Barcelona).
Copyright © 2020 DVL Records. DVL1120JZ.
EAN-13 (CD): 0745125589435.
EAN-13 (Digital): 4061798766185.

French guitarist and composer Didier Verna brings us a third opus with “@-quartet”, a group founded with the motto of never remaining a prisoner to style, and once again broadens the musical field of possibilities, by drawing a Hispano-Indo-Caribbean line (so to speak). A “trans-geographic” album, therefore, offering thirteen original new compositions with exotic sounds, and for which the quartet has been enriched with two special guests (voice and steel drums). Contemporary Jazz resolutely open to the world, a modern repertoire joyfully blending ternary rhythms, flamenco, and mazurka piké, a music that literally sings the marriage of steel drum and electric sitar. This is what ¡En Seguida! offers up to you. Enjoy your trip...

This album is dedicated to the memory of Thierry Lalo.

Excerpt from the booklet: “It was two years ago, almost to the day. I was beginning to think about the third album from the @-quartet, aiming to continue to develop the opening of the repertoire on latin and carribean ambiances, to work even harder on the sound, whether global or purely guitaristic, and I might add, to make the music even more “singing”.

By a curious and terrible coincidence, it is at that precise moment that I learnt, from Solange Vergara, the passing of Thierry Lalo. That news was all the more brutal that we hadn't seen each other for some time, and I was not aware of his condition.

In spite of that recent distance, Thierry and myself were quite close, and I owe him a lot as a musician: my four years in the Voice Messengers, numerous musical encounters, including those which gave birth to the @-quartet. He was in the audience for the first live concert of Roots and Leaves, my second album...

Thierry Lalo was notably the founder of the Voice Messengers, also pianist, arranger, conductor and producer of the band. Above all, he was my friend. Dedicating this new recording to him was both natural and obvious.”

¡En Seguida! was released on November 16 2020, second anniversary of his passing.